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Upper New York Bay

  • 1 Upper New York Bay

    Северная часть Нью-Йоркского залива [ New York Bay], отделена от его южной части - бухты Лоуэр-Бей [Lower Bay] - юго-западной оконечностью острова Лонг-Айленд [ Long Island], островом Стейтен [ Staten Island] и проливом Нэрроуз [ Narrows]. Представляет собой как бы внутренние воды зоны г. Нью-Йорка: на бухту выходят районы Бруклин [ Brooklyn], Манхэттен [ Manhattan], юго-восточная оконечность штата Нью-Джерси и нью-йоркский район Ричмонд [ Richmond]. В бухту непосредственно впадает р. Хадсон [ Hudson River]. В ней расположены остров Либерти [ Liberty Island] со Статуей Свободы [ Statue of Liberty] и остров Эллис [ Ellis Island]
    тж Upper Bay

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Upper New York Bay

  • 2 New York Bay

    Бухта Атлантического океана, в устье р. Хадсон [ Hudson River]. Верхняя бухта [ Upper New York Bay] (площадь около 40 кв. км) соединена с Нижней [Lower New York Bay] (площадь около 200 кв. км) проливом Нэрроуз [ Narrows]. На берегах бухты расположены районы городов Нью-Йорка и Джерси-Сити. Несколько известных островов в Верхней бухте - Либерти [ Liberty Island], Эллис [ Ellis Island], Гавернорс [ Governors Island]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > New York Bay

  • 3 New York Harbor

    Находится на юго-востоке штата Нью-Йорк, является морскими воротами города и мегаполиса. Расположена в устье р. Хадсон [ Hudson River] в районе Нью-Йоркской бухты [ New York Bay]. Пролив Ист-Ривер [ East River] соединяет ее с проливом Лонг-Айленд-Саунд [ Long Island Sound]. Открыта Дж. да Верразано [ Verrazano, Giovanni da] предположительно в 1524. С колониальных времен гавань играет важную роль в экономике г. Нью-Йорка и всей страны; является крупнейшим центром контейнерных грузоперевозок на востоке США; портовые сооружения расположены в штатах Нью-Йорк и Нью-Джерси. Порт является крупнейшим центром автоимпорта и экспорта в стране (свыше 400 тыс. автомобилей ежегодно); все портовые сооружения в радиусе 40 км от Статуи свободы [ Statue of Liberty] находятся в ведении Управления Нью-Йоркского порта [ Port of New York Authority]. Со стороны Нью-Йорка грузовые наиболее крупные грузовые терминалы на берегу гавани - на берегу пролива Ист-Ривер: "Биржа древесины на Грин-Стрит" [Green Street Lumber Exchange] в Куинсе [ Queens]; терминал "Ред-Хук" [Red Hook Terminal] в Бруклине [ Brooklyn]; 40-й Пирс [Pier 40] на острове Манхэттен [ Manhattan] со стороны р. Хадсон; Южно-Бруклинский морской терминал [South Brooklyn Marine Terminal]; морской терминал "Хоуланд-Хук" [Howland Hook Marine Terminal] (на западе Стейтен-Айленда [ Staten Island]). Со стороны Нью-Джерси в пределах гавани расположены два крупных грузовых порта - Морской автотерминал [Auto Marine Terminal] (на берегу бухты Аппер-Бей [ Upper New York Bay]) и огромный Ньюаркский порт с морским терминалом в Элизабете [Port Newark - Elizabeth Marine Terminal] в бухте Ньюарк [Newark Bay]. Нью-Йоркский городской пассажирский морской терминал [New York City Passenger Ship Terminal] имеет три пирса в районе Вест-Сайд [ West Side] (между 48-й и 52-й улицами) на берегу Хадсона - все, что осталось от многочисленных пирсов, некогда обслуживавших трансатлантические рейсы. В 1996 было принято решение об углублении гавани.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > New York Harbor

  • 4 Upper Bay

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Upper Bay

  • 5 Staten Island

    Остров, на котором расположен округ Ричмонд г. Нью-Йорка; входит в состав территории города, хотя и отделен от основной его части широкой Нью-Йоркской бухтой [Upper New York Bay, Lower New York Bay]. Находится в 8 км к югу от Манхэттена [ Manhattan]. Площадь 150 кв. км. Население около 379 тыс. человек. Представляет собой жилой район города. Связан паромом с Манхэттеном, мостом Верразано-Нэрроуз [ Verrazano-Narrows Bridge] с Бруклином и тремя короткими мостами со штатом Нью-Джерси. До прихода европейцев был населен индейцами-алгонкинами [ Algonquian], в 1661 захвачен голландцами. На острове сохранились здания XVII - XIX вв. Стал частью города Нью-Йорка в 1898

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Staten Island

  • 6 Hudson River

    Река в штате Нью-Йорк. Длина 510 км, площадь бассейна более 35 тыс. кв. км. Берет начало на юго-западном склоне горы Марси [ Marcy, Mount], в озере Тир-ов-зе-Клаудс [Lake Tear of the Clouds] на высоте 1310 м (под названием Опалесент [Opalescent River]), течет на юг и впадает в залив Аппер-Нью-Йорк-Бэй [ Upper New York Bay] Атлантического океана. 27 км протекает по границе штатов Нью-Йорк и Нью-Джерси. Ширина реки в Нью-Йорке достигает 900-1340 м. Сток зарегулирован в верхнем течении плотинами. ГЭС. Морские приливы до г. Олбани и Трой (240 км от устья), откуда начинается судоходство. Соединена судоходными каналами с озерами Эри [ Erie, Lake] (грузовой канал штата Нью-Йорк [ New York State Barge Canal]) и с Шамплейн [ Champlain, Lake] (водный путь к р. Св. Лаврентия [St. Lawrence River; см St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes Waterway]). На р. Хадсон стоят города Трой [ Troy], Олбани [ Albany] (административный центр штата Нью-Йорк), Гайд-Парк [ Hyde Park] (дом-музей Ф. Д. Рузвельта [ Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR)]), Уэст-Пойнт [ West Point] (военная академия), Хадсон [Hudson], Йонкерс [ Yonkers], Хобокен [ Hoboken], шт. Нью-Джерси. В устье расположен г. Нью-Йорк (туннели, мосты, паром). Первым европейцем, увидевшим реку, был итальянец Дж. Верразано [ Verrazano, Giovanni da], посетивший Нью-Йоркскую бухту в 1524. Названа в честь английского мореплавателя Генри Хадсона [ Hudson, Henry], проплывшего по реке вверх до нынешнего г. Олбани в 1609. В 1975 начата крупная программа по очистке и предотвращению загрязнения реки отходами многочисленных промышленных предприятий

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Hudson River

  • 7 Bayonne

    Город на северо-востоке штата Нью-Джерси, на полуострове шириной 4,8 км к югу от Джерси-Сити, между заливом Аппер-Нью-Йорк [ Upper New York Bay] и заливом Ньюарк [Newark Bay]. 61,8 тыс. жителей (2000). Мост через пролив Килл-Ван-Калл [ Kill Van Kull] (сооружен в 1931; длина 511 м) связывает город с островом Стейтен-айленд [ Staten Island]. Крупный порт (несколько километров причалов), доки и океанский терминал [Military Ocean Terminal] ВМФ США [ Navy, U.S.]. Большие нефтеперерабатывающие заводы (с 1875; трубопровод из юго-западных штатов). Машиностроение, текстильная промышленность, фармацевтика, производство электромоторов. Основан голландскими торговцами примерно в 1650, перешел к англичанам в 1664; был известен под названиями Констаблс-Хёк [Konstable's Hoeck] и Констебл-Хук [Constable Hook]; статус города с 1869.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Bayonne

  • 8 East River

    Судоходный пролив в г. Нью-Йорке между заливом Аппер-Нью-Йорк [ Upper New York Bay] и проливом Лонг-Айленд-Саунд [ Long Island Sound], отделяющий нью-йоркские районы Манхэттен [ Manhattan] и Бронкс [ Bronx, the] от Бруклина [ Brooklyn] и Куинса [ Queens]. Связан с р. Хадсон [ Hudson River] и р. Харлем [ Harlem River]. Длина 26 км. Семь автомостов, железнодорожный мост, под проливом проходят два автомобильных туннеля. Портовые сооружения, включая военный порт (в Бруклине). По берегу вдоль Манхэттена проходит автомагистраль Ист-Ривер-драйв [East River Drive, FDR Drive], здесь же - здание штаб-квартиры ООН [ United Nations Headquarters]. В районе Куинса у берега пролива - аэропорт Ла-Гуардия [ La Guardia International Airport]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > East River

  • 9 Ellis Island

    Небольшой остров (площадью в 11 га) в заливе Аппер-Бэй [ Upper New York Bay] близ г. Нью-Йорка, к югу от южной оконечности Манхэттена [ Manhattan]. В 1892-1943 - главный центр по приему иммигрантов в США, а до 1954 - карантинный лагерь. В начальный период колонизации был излюбленным местом отдыха у первых голландских поселенцев, с 70-х гг. XVIII в. принадлежал Сэмюэлу Эллису [Ellis, Samuel], именем которого назван. В 1808 куплен федеральным правительством у штата Нью-Йорк для использования в качестве арсенала и форта. После создания в 1891 Бюро иммиграции [Bureau of Immigration] иммиграционный пункт был перенесен с Манхэттена на остров Эллис. Использовался также как пересыльный пункт и лагерь для депортации, за что был прозван иммигрантами "островом слез" [the isle of tears]. Пропускная способность иммиграционного пункта на острове достигала 1 млн. в год, а в общей сложности через него прошло более 20 млн. человек. С 1965 стал частью Национального памятника "Статуя свободы" [ Statue of Liberty]. В 1990 на острове открылся Музей иммиграции "Остров Эллис" [Ellis Island Immigration Museum]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Ellis Island

  • 10 Governors Island

    Остров в бухте Аппер-Бей [ Upper New York Bay], между южной оконечностью Манхэттена [ Manhattan] и Бруклином [ Brooklyn], от которого остров отделен проливом Баттермилк [Buttermilk Channel]. База и штаб Береговой охраны [ Coast Guard, U.S.] (закрыта в 1996). Первое поселение группы бельгийцев-валлонов на острове было основано в начале XVII в. Достопримечательности начала XIX в. - дом губернатора [Governor's House], форт Уильямс [Fort Williams] ("Коробка сыра" [Cheesebox]), форт Джей [ Fort Jay] - место встречи президента США Рейгана [ Reagan, Ronald Wilson] и вице-президента Буша [ Bush, George Herbert Walker] с советским лидером М. С. Горбачевым в 1988.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Governors Island

  • 11 Liberty Island

    Небольшой остров в бухте Аппер-Бэй [ Upper New York Bay] южнее Манхэттена [ Manhattan]. Площадь 4 га. В 1885 на острове воздвигнута Статуя Свободы [ Statue of Liberty]; в качестве основания использовались стены форта Вуд [Fort Wood]. Остров находится в федеральной собственности с начала XIX в., до 1956 назывался остров Бедло [Bedloe's Island; Bedloe Island] (в честь первого владельца)

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Liberty Island

  • 12 Kill Van Kull

    Пролив между г. Бейонн [ Bayonne], шт. Нью-Джерси и северной частью о. Стейтен [ Staten Island], шт. Нью-Йорк. Длина 6 км, ширина около 1 км. Соединяет бухту Аппер-Бей [ Upper Bay; New York Bay] с заливом Ньюарк [Newark Bay]. Является основным судоходным каналом, ведущим к портам Ньюарк и Элизабет. Сильно загрязнен. У западной оконечности - Бейоннский мост [Bayonne Bridge].

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Kill Van Kull

  • 13 Narrows

    Пролив между островом Стейтен-Айленд [ Staten Island] и районом Бруклин [ Brooklyn] в г. Нью-Йорке. Соединяет верхнюю [Upper Bay] и нижнюю [Lower Bay] части Нью-Йоркской бухты [ New York Bay]. Через пролив построен мост Верразано-Нэрроуз [ Verrazano-Narrows Bridge]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Narrows

  • 14 mantener

    1 to keep.
    mantener algo en buen estado to keep something in good condition
    mantener una promesa to keep a promise
    mantener la calma to stay calm
    Los mantengo trabajando I keep them working.
    Ellos mantienen el proyecto They maintain the project.
    2 to support (with scaffold, columns).
    mantén los brazos en alto keep your arms in the air
    3 to support.
    con su sueldo mantiene a toda la familia he has to support o keep his whole family with his wages
    4 to have (relationships, conversations).
    mantener relaciones con alguien to have a relationship with somebody
    mantiene su inocencia she maintains that she is innocent
    mantiene que no la vió he maintains that he didn't see her
    6 to maintain, to keep, to conserve, to hold.
    Ellos mantienen unas mantas They maintain some bedcovers.
    Ellos mantienen su opinión They maintain their opinion.
    María mantiene a su hijo Mary maintains=provides for her son.
    Ella mantiene su declaración She maintains her declaration.
    7 to claim to, to hold to, to maintain to.
    Ellos mantienen haber limpiado They claim to have cleaned.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ TENER], like link=tener tener
    1 (conservar) to keep
    'Mantenga Zamora limpia' "Keep Zamora tidy"
    2 (tener) to keep
    'Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños' "Keep out of the reach of children"
    3 (sostener) to support, hold up, hold
    4 (sustentar) to support, maintain
    5 (afirmación etc) to maintain
    pues yo mantengo que no es verdad well, I maintain that it is not true
    6 (conversación, relaciones) to have; (reunión) to hold, have; (correspondencia) to keep up; (promesa, palabra) to keep
    1 (sostenerse) to remain, stand
    2 (continuar en un estado, una posición) to keep
    3 (sustenerse) to manage, maintain oneself, support oneself
    4 (alimentarse) to eat, live
    se mantiene a base de fruta she lives on fruit, she eats only fruit
    mantener algo en secreto to keep something secret
    mantenerse aparte to stay out of it, not get involved
    mantenerse en contacto con to stay in contact with
    mantenerse en forma to keep in shape, keep in trim, keep fit
    mantenerse en pie to stand, remain standing
    mantenerse en sus trece to stick to one's guns
    mantenerse vivo,-a to stay alive
    * * *
    3) hold
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=sostener) [gen] to hold; [+ puente, techo] to support
    2) (=preservar)
    a) [en un lugar] to store, keep

    "manténgase en un lugar fresco y seco" — "store in a cool dry place"

    b) [en un estado o situación] to keep

    mantener algo calienteto keep sth hot

    mantener algo en equilibrio — to balance sth, keep sth balanced

    mantener algo en secretoto keep sth a secret

    raya I, 1)
    3) (=conservar) [+ opinión] to maintain, hold; [+ costumbre, ideales] to keep up, maintain; [+ disciplina] to maintain, keep; [+ promesa] to keep

    me marcho manteniendo mi opinión — I'm leaving, but I stand by my opinion

    al conducir hay que mantener la distancia de seguridad — you have to keep (at) a safe distance when driving

    mantener el equilibrioto keep one's balance

    mantener el fuegoto keep the fire going

    mantener la línea — to keep one's figure, keep in shape

    mantener la paz — to keep the peace, maintain peace

    calma, distancia
    4) [económicamente] to support, maintain

    ya no pienso mantenerla másI refuse to keep o support o maintain her any longer

    5) [+ conversación, contacto] to maintain, hold

    ¿han mantenido ustedes relaciones sexuales? — have you had sexual relations?

    correspondencia 2)
    6) (=afirmar) to maintain
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( económicamente) <familia/persona> to support, maintain; < perro> to keep; < amante> to keep
    a) (conservar, preservar) to keep

    mantener la calma/la compostura — to keep calm/one's composure

    b) (cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    a) < conversaciones> to have; < contactos> to maintain, keep up; < correspondencia> to keep up; < relaciones> to maintain
    b) ( cumplir) <promesa/palabra> to keep
    4) (afirmar, sostener) to maintain
    mantenerse verbo pronominal
    1) ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself
    2) (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    * * *
    = hold together, keep, maintain, maintain, preserve, retain, store, support, sustain, uphold, hold, service, carry on, keep + Nombre + going, operate, hold on to.
    Ex. The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.
    Ex. Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.
    Ex. Expressiveness can be difficult to maintain as new subjects are added.
    Ex. They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
    Ex. The concepts are organised into facets, and the facets are arranged and applied in such a way that the general to special order is preserved.
    Ex. At an earlier stage, the Library of Congress had decided to retain certain pre-AACR headings, in order to avoid the expense of extensive recataloguing.
    Ex. The records in a computer data base are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex. In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.
    Ex. Publishers in the United Stated benefit from a larger home market which serves to sustain the production of an information tool.
    Ex. It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
    Ex. Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.
    Ex. Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.
    Ex. If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex. The author explains how libraries can keep their services going without being slaves to the job.
    Ex. These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.
    Ex. The girls were swept away by the water as they failed to hold on to the bus stand.
    * capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.
    * debate + mantenerse = debate + rage.
    * de mantener una conversación = conversational.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * mantener a Alguien alerta = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien atento = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien en vilo = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien informado de = keep + Nombre + posted on.
    * mantener activo = keep + Nombre + going.
    * mantener a flote = keep + afloat.
    * mantener a la par de = keep up with.
    * mantener alejado = keep away, keep + Nombre + out.
    * mantener Algo abierto = hold + Nombre + open.
    * mantener Algo activo = keep + Nombre + at the fore.
    * mantener Algo alejado = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.
    * mantener Algo al mínimo = keep + Nombre + at a minimum.
    * mantener Algo a salvo = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mantener Algo controlado = keep + Nombre + in check.
    * mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantener Algo en equilibrio = keep + Nombre + in balance.
    * mantener Algo en la dirección correcta = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantener Algo en orden = keep + Nombre + in order.
    * mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + tidy, keep + Nombre + in order.
    * mantener Algo vivo = keep + the flame alive, keep + Nombre + at the fore.
    * mantener al ralentí = idle.
    * mantener a mano = keep to + hand.
    * mantener aparte = keep + separate.
    * mantener a raya = keep at + bay, hold off, keep + Nombre + in line, hold at + bay.
    * mantener bajo control = keep + a rein on.
    * mantener bajo vigilancia = keep under + observation.
    * mantener constancia de = keep + record of.
    * mantener contacto = maintain + contact.
    * mantener control = hold + the reins of control.
    * mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.
    * mantener dentro = keep + Nombre + in.
    * mantener el control = stay in + control.
    * mantener el ímpetu = maintain + momentum.
    * mantener el interés = hold + the interest.
    * mantener el orden = keep + order, police.
    * mantener el orden público = maintain + public order.
    * mantener el ritmo = keep + pace.
    * mantener el tipo = keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * mantener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * mantener en privado = be out of the public eye.
    * mantener en reserva = keep on + reserve, keep in + reserve.
    * mantener en secreto = keep + secret, keep + hush hush, keep + confidential, keep + Nombre + under wraps.
    * mantener en sintonía = keep in + step.
    * mantener firme = keep + steady, hold in + line, hold + steady.
    * mantener informado = keep + informed.
    * mantener junto = keep together.
    * mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * mantener la bola rodando = keep + the ball rolling.
    * mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.
    * mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.
    * mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la calma = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together, keep + Pronombre + cool, remain + cool-headed, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * mantener la coherencia = maintain + consistency.
    * mantener la compostura = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la condición (de) = retain + Posesivo + status (as).
    * mantener la continuidad = maintain + continuity.
    * mantener la delantera = keep + ahead.
    * mantener la disciplina = maintain + discipline.
    * mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * mantener la posición = hold + the line.
    * mantener las apariencias = keep up + appearances.
    * mantener las cosas en marcha = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cosas en movimiento = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cosas funcionando = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.
    * mantener las distancias con = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.
    * mantener la serenidad = keep + Pronombre + cool, keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la tradición = keep with + tradition.
    * mantener la vida = sustain + life.
    * mantener libre de = keep + free of.
    * mantener los ojos bien abiertos = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * mantener los precios = hold + prices down.
    * mantener oculto = keep + Nombre + under wraps.
    * mantener ocupado = keep + busy.
    * mantener ordenado = keep + Nombre + neat and tidy.
    * mantener presente = keep before.
    * mantener presionado = hold down.
    * mantener registro de = keep + record of.
    * mantener relaciones = maintain + contact, maintain + relationships, maintain + relations.
    * mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.
    * mantenerse actualizado = keep up to + date (with).
    * mantenerse actualizado de = keep + abreast of.
    * mantenerse a distancia = stand off.
    * mantenerse a flote = keep + Posesivo + head above the water, keep + the wolves from the door, stay + afloat, stay in + business.
    * mantenerse aislado = keep to + Reflexivo.
    * mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * mantenerse a la escucha = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse al corriente = keep + current.
    * mantenerse al corriente de = keep + abreast of, stay + abreast of, keep + track of.
    * mantenerse al día = keep up to + date (with), keep up with + the current scene, keep + current.
    * mantenerse al día de = keep + abreast of, keep + pace with, keep up with, stay + abreast of, keep + a finger on the pulse of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.
    * mantenerse al día de las noticias = keep up with + the news.
    * mantenerse al día de los avances = track + developments.
    * mantenerse alejado = stay away, remain + aloof.
    * mantenerse alejado de = stay away from, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de + Nombre = keep + Nombre + at a distance.
    * mantenerse alerta = keep + alert, keep + an eye open, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * mantenerse al frente = keep + ahead.
    * mantenerse al margen = keep to + Reflexivo, take + a back seat, stand by, remain on + the sidelines.
    * mantenerse al margen de = remain + uninvolved in, hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * mantenerse al margen de Algo = stay above + Algo.
    * mantenerse al tanto = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse al tanto de = keep in + sync, keep + a finger on the pulse of, keep + track of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.
    * mantenerse al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * mantenerse al tanto de las noticias = keep up with + the news.
    * mantenerse al tanto de los avances = track + developments.
    * mantenerse atento = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * mantenerse atento a lo que ocurre alrededor = have + an ear to the ground, keep + Posesivo + ear to the ground.
    * mantenerse bien = keep + well.
    * mantenerse caliente = keep + warm.
    * mantenerse callado = keep + quiet.
    * mantenerse callado y pensativo con cierto resentimiento = brood.
    * mantenerse como válido = hold up.
    * mantener secreto = keep + secret.
    * mantenerse despierto = keep + alert, stay + awake.
    * mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.
    * mantenerse en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse en contacto (con) = keep in + touch (with), stay in + touch (with).
    * mantenerse en espera = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.
    * mantenerse en línea con = keep in + line with.
    * mantenerse en pie = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * mantenerse en + Posesivo + trece = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * mantenerse en sincronía = keep in + sync.
    * mantenerse en su sitio = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * mantenerse en sus trece = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * mantenerse fiel a = stick with.
    * mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.
    * mantenerse firme = stand + Posesivo + ground, stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * mantenerse impasible = keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * mantenerse informado = keep up to + date (with), keep + current.
    * mantenerse informado de = keep + abreast of.
    * mantenerse lejos de = steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * mantener(se) ocupado = keep + busy.
    * mantener separado = keep apart.
    * mantenerse por delante = keep + ahead.
    * mantenerse por delante de la competencia = keep + one step ahead of the game, keep + one step ahead of the competition.
    * mantenerse unidos = stick together.
    * mantenerse vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * mantener silencio = keep + silent, keep + silence.
    * mantener sincronizado = keep in + step.
    * mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * mantener una actitud = hold + attitude.
    * mantener una actitud abierta = be open-minded.
    * mantener una apariencia de = maintain + a semblance of.
    * mantener una conversación = hold + conversation.
    * mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * mantener una promesa = keep + Posesivo + promise.
    * mantener una relación con = carry on + relationship with.
    * mantener un concepto = hold + concept.
    * mantener un control férreo sobre = hold + an iron grip on.
    * mantener un debate = hold + discussion.
    * mantener un equilibrio = balance, maintain + a balance, keep + a balance.
    * mantener un estándar = uphold + standard.
    * mantener un interés = pursue + interest.
    * mantener un registro = keep + log.
    * mantener un registro de = keep + track of, record.
    * mantener un sistema de turnos = hold + a rota of.
    * mantener vigente = keep + alive.
    * mantener vivo = keep + alive, maintain + momentum, keep + Nombre + going.
    * máquina que mantiene las constantes vitales = life-support system.
    * para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.
    * voluntad de mantener Algo en secreto = secretiveness.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( económicamente) <familia/persona> to support, maintain; < perro> to keep; < amante> to keep
    a) (conservar, preservar) to keep

    mantener la calma/la compostura — to keep calm/one's composure

    b) (cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    a) < conversaciones> to have; < contactos> to maintain, keep up; < correspondencia> to keep up; < relaciones> to maintain
    b) ( cumplir) <promesa/palabra> to keep
    4) (afirmar, sostener) to maintain
    mantenerse verbo pronominal
    1) ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself
    2) (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    * * *
    = hold together, keep, maintain, maintain, preserve, retain, store, support, sustain, uphold, hold, service, carry on, keep + Nombre + going, operate, hold on to.

    Ex: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.

    Ex: Guard book or scrapbook type arrangement, with possibly a loose-leaf format, is suitable for organising and keeping cuttings, letters and other small items.
    Ex: Expressiveness can be difficult to maintain as new subjects are added.
    Ex: They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.
    Ex: The concepts are organised into facets, and the facets are arranged and applied in such a way that the general to special order is preserved.
    Ex: At an earlier stage, the Library of Congress had decided to retain certain pre-AACR headings, in order to avoid the expense of extensive recataloguing.
    Ex: The records in a computer data base are structured in order to suit the information that is being stored for various applications.
    Ex: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.
    Ex: Publishers in the United Stated benefit from a larger home market which serves to sustain the production of an information tool.
    Ex: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
    Ex: Some theorists hold that one stage must be completely worked through before the next stage can be entered.
    Ex: Special storage facilities have been constructed which are at present serviced manually but will soon be computerised.
    Ex: If a child detects that no very strong value is placed on reading then he feels no compulsion to develop his own reading skill beyond the minimal, functional level we all need simply to carry on our daily lives in our print-dominated society.
    Ex: The author explains how libraries can keep their services going without being slaves to the job.
    Ex: These references operate in a similar fashion whether they are used to link authors' names or subject headings.
    Ex: The girls were swept away by the water as they failed to hold on to the bus stand.
    * capacidad de mantener la atención = attention span.
    * debate + mantenerse = debate + rage.
    * de mantener una conversación = conversational.
    * el que mantiene a la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * mantener a Alguien alerta = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien atento = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien en vilo = keep + Nombre + on + Posesivo + toes.
    * mantener a Alguien informado de = keep + Nombre + posted on.
    * mantener activo = keep + Nombre + going.
    * mantener a flote = keep + afloat.
    * mantener a la par de = keep up with.
    * mantener alejado = keep away, keep + Nombre + out.
    * mantener Algo abierto = hold + Nombre + open.
    * mantener Algo activo = keep + Nombre + at the fore.
    * mantener Algo alejado = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.
    * mantener Algo al mínimo = keep + Nombre + at a minimum.
    * mantener Algo a salvo = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mantener Algo controlado = keep + Nombre + in check.
    * mantener Algo en el buen camino = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantener Algo en equilibrio = keep + Nombre + in balance.
    * mantener Algo en la dirección correcta = keep + Nombre + on track.
    * mantener Algo en orden = keep + Nombre + in order.
    * mantener Algo fuera de peligro = keep + Nombre + out of harm's way.
    * mantener Algo ordenado = keep + Nombre + tidy, keep + Nombre + in order.
    * mantener Algo vivo = keep + the flame alive, keep + Nombre + at the fore.
    * mantener al ralentí = idle.
    * mantener a mano = keep to + hand.
    * mantener aparte = keep + separate.
    * mantener a raya = keep at + bay, hold off, keep + Nombre + in line, hold at + bay.
    * mantener bajo control = keep + a rein on.
    * mantener bajo vigilancia = keep under + observation.
    * mantener constancia de = keep + record of.
    * mantener contacto = maintain + contact.
    * mantener control = hold + the reins of control.
    * mantener cooperación = maintain + cooperation.
    * mantener dentro = keep + Nombre + in.
    * mantener el control = stay in + control.
    * mantener el ímpetu = maintain + momentum.
    * mantener el interés = hold + the interest.
    * mantener el orden = keep + order, police.
    * mantener el orden público = maintain + public order.
    * mantener el ritmo = keep + pace.
    * mantener el tipo = keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * mantener en observación = hold under + observation, keep under + observation.
    * mantener en privado = be out of the public eye.
    * mantener en reserva = keep on + reserve, keep in + reserve.
    * mantener en secreto = keep + secret, keep + hush hush, keep + confidential, keep + Nombre + under wraps.
    * mantener en sintonía = keep in + step.
    * mantener firme = keep + steady, hold in + line, hold + steady.
    * mantener informado = keep + informed.
    * mantener junto = keep together.
    * mantener la atención de Alguien = hold + Posesivo + attention.
    * mantener la boca cerrada = keep + Posesivo + mouth shut.
    * mantener la bola rodando = keep + the ball rolling.
    * mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.
    * mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.
    * mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la calma = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together, keep + Pronombre + cool, remain + cool-headed, keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * mantener la coherencia = maintain + consistency.
    * mantener la compostura = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la condición (de) = retain + Posesivo + status (as).
    * mantener la continuidad = maintain + continuity.
    * mantener la delantera = keep + ahead.
    * mantener la disciplina = maintain + discipline.
    * mantener la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.
    * mantener la posición = hold + the line.
    * mantener las apariencias = keep up + appearances.
    * mantener las cosas en marcha = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cosas en movimiento = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cosas funcionando = keep + the ball rolling, keep + it rolling.
    * mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.
    * mantener las distancias con = keep + Nombre + at arm's length.
    * mantener la serenidad = keep + Pronombre + cool, keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * mantener la tradición = keep with + tradition.
    * mantener la vida = sustain + life.
    * mantener libre de = keep + free of.
    * mantener los ojos bien abiertos = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open, keep + Posesivo + eyes peeled, keep + Posesivo + eyes skinned.
    * mantener los precios = hold + prices down.
    * mantener oculto = keep + Nombre + under wraps.
    * mantener ocupado = keep + busy.
    * mantener ordenado = keep + Nombre + neat and tidy.
    * mantener presente = keep before.
    * mantener presionado = hold down.
    * mantener registro de = keep + record of.
    * mantener relaciones = maintain + contact, maintain + relationships, maintain + relations.
    * mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.
    * mantenerse actualizado = keep up to + date (with).
    * mantenerse actualizado de = keep + abreast of.
    * mantenerse a distancia = stand off.
    * mantenerse a flote = keep + Posesivo + head above the water, keep + the wolves from the door, stay + afloat, stay in + business.
    * mantenerse aislado = keep to + Reflexivo.
    * mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * mantenerse a la escucha = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse al corriente = keep + current.
    * mantenerse al corriente de = keep + abreast of, stay + abreast of, keep + track of.
    * mantenerse al día = keep up to + date (with), keep up with + the current scene, keep + current.
    * mantenerse al día de = keep + abreast of, keep + pace with, keep up with, stay + abreast of, keep + a finger on the pulse of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.
    * mantenerse al día de las noticias = keep up with + the news.
    * mantenerse al día de los avances = track + developments.
    * mantenerse alejado = stay away, remain + aloof.
    * mantenerse alejado de = stay away from, steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada del público = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de la mirada pública = shun + the public eye, keep out of + the public eye.
    * mantenerse alejado de + Nombre = keep + Nombre + at a distance.
    * mantenerse alerta = keep + alert, keep + an eye open, keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * mantenerse al frente = keep + ahead.
    * mantenerse al margen = keep to + Reflexivo, take + a back seat, stand by, remain on + the sidelines.
    * mantenerse al margen de = remain + uninvolved in, hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * mantenerse al margen de Algo = stay above + Algo.
    * mantenerse al tanto = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse al tanto de = keep in + sync, keep + a finger on the pulse of, keep + track of, stay in + step with, keep in + step with, keep + step with.
    * mantenerse al tanto de las cosas = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * mantenerse al tanto de las noticias = keep up with + the news.
    * mantenerse al tanto de los avances = track + developments.
    * mantenerse atento = keep + Posesivo + eyes (wide) open.
    * mantenerse atento a lo que ocurre alrededor = have + an ear to the ground, keep + Posesivo + ear to the ground.
    * mantenerse bien = keep + well.
    * mantenerse caliente = keep + warm.
    * mantenerse callado = keep + quiet.
    * mantenerse callado y pensativo con cierto resentimiento = brood.
    * mantenerse como válido = hold up.
    * mantener secreto = keep + secret.
    * mantenerse despierto = keep + alert, stay + awake.
    * mantenerse en buen estado físico = keep + fit.
    * mantenerse en contacto = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse en contacto (con) = keep in + touch (with), stay in + touch (with).
    * mantenerse en espera = stay + tuned.
    * mantenerse en forma = keep + fit.
    * mantenerse en línea con = keep in + line with.
    * mantenerse en pie = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * mantenerse en + Posesivo + trece = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * mantenerse en sincronía = keep in + sync.
    * mantenerse en su sitio = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * mantenerse en sus trece = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * mantenerse fiel a = stick with.
    * mantenerse fiel a los principios de Uno = stick to + Posesivo + principles.
    * mantenerse firme = stand + Posesivo + ground, stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * mantenerse impasible = keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * mantenerse informado = keep up to + date (with), keep + current.
    * mantenerse informado de = keep + abreast of.
    * mantenerse lejos de = steer + clear of, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * mantenerse líder = stay + ahead of the pack.
    * mantener(se) ocupado = keep + busy.
    * mantener separado = keep apart.
    * mantenerse por delante = keep + ahead.
    * mantenerse por delante de la competencia = keep + one step ahead of the game, keep + one step ahead of the competition.
    * mantenerse unidos = stick together.
    * mantenerse vigente = hold + Posesivo + own.
    * mantener silencio = keep + silent, keep + silence.
    * mantener sincronizado = keep in + step.
    * mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.
    * mantener todo controlado = stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * mantener una actitud = hold + attitude.
    * mantener una actitud abierta = be open-minded.
    * mantener una apariencia de = maintain + a semblance of.
    * mantener una conversación = hold + conversation.
    * mantener una opinión = hold + view, hold + opinion.
    * mantener una promesa = keep + Posesivo + promise.
    * mantener una relación con = carry on + relationship with.
    * mantener un concepto = hold + concept.
    * mantener un control férreo sobre = hold + an iron grip on.
    * mantener un debate = hold + discussion.
    * mantener un equilibrio = balance, maintain + a balance, keep + a balance.
    * mantener un estándar = uphold + standard.
    * mantener un interés = pursue + interest.
    * mantener un registro = keep + log.
    * mantener un registro de = keep + track of, record.
    * mantener un sistema de turnos = hold + a rota of.
    * mantener vigente = keep + alive.
    * mantener vivo = keep + alive, maintain + momentum, keep + Nombre + going.
    * máquina que mantiene las constantes vitales = life-support system.
    * para mantener(se) ocupado = keep-busy.
    * voluntad de mantener Algo en secreto = secretiveness.

    * * *
    A (sustentar económicamente) ‹familia/persona› to support, maintain
    cuesta una fortuna mantener a ese perro tan grande it costs a fortune to keep that enormous dog
    ¡y pretende que ella lo mantenga! and he expects her to support o keep him!
    1 (conservar, preservar) to keep
    mantener la calma/la compostura to keep calm/one's composure
    mantener el orden to keep o ( frml) maintain order
    para mantener la paz in order to keep the peace
    mantener su peso actual to maintain his present weight
    mantener las viejas tradiciones to keep up the old traditions
    2 (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    los postes mantienen la viga en posición the posts keep the beam in position
    mantener el equilibrio to keep one's balance
    lo mantiene en equilibrio sobre la punta de la nariz he balances it on the end of his nose
    los militares lo mantuvieron en el poder the military kept him in power
    todos los medicamentos deben mantenerse fuera del alcance de los niños all medicines should be kept out of reach of children
    [ S ] mantenga limpia su ciudad keep Norwich ( o York etc) tidy
    [ S ] una vez abierto manténgase refrigerado keep refrigerated once open
    no mantiene su coche en buenas condiciones he doesn't keep his car in good condition, he doesn't maintain his car very well
    sigue manteniendo vivos sus ideales he still keeps his ideals alive
    1 ‹conversaciones› to have; ‹contactos› to maintain, keep up; ‹correspondencia› to keep up; ‹relaciones› to maintain
    durante las negociaciones mantenidas en Ginebra during the negotiations held in Geneva
    2 (cumplir) ‹promesa/palabra› to keep
    D (afirmar, sostener) to maintain
    mantiene que es inocente he maintains that he is innocent
    A (sustentarse económicamente) to support o maintain o keep oneself
    B (en cierto estado, cierta situación) (+ compl) to keep
    se mantuvieron en primera división they kept their place o they stayed in the first division
    mantenerse en forma to keep in shape, to keep fit
    lo único que se mantiene en pie es la torre all that remains is the tower, only the tower is still standing
    se mantiene al día she keeps up to date
    siempre se mantuvo a distancia he always kept his distance
    se mantuvo en contacto con sus amigos de la infancia he kept in touch with o kept up with his childhood friends
    se mantuvo neutral en la disputa he remained neutral in the dispute
    (alimentarse): nos mantuvimos a base de latas we lived off tinned food
    se mantiene a base de vitaminas he lives on vitamin pills
    * * *


    mantener ( conjugate mantener) verbo transitivo
    1 ( económicamente) ‹familia/persona to support, maintain;
    amante to keep
    2 (conservar, preservar) to keep;

    mantener el equilibrio to keep one's balance;
    mantener algo en equilibrio to balance sth;
    para mantener su peso actual to maintain his present weight

    contactos to maintain, keep up;
    correspondencia to keep up;
    relaciones to maintain
    b) ( cumplir) ‹promesa/palabra to keep

    4 (afirmar, sostener) to maintain
    mantenerse verbo pronominal
    1 ( sustentarse económicamente) to support oneself
    2 (en cierto estado, cierta situación) to keep;

    la torre aún se mantiene en pie the tower is still standing;
    mantenerse en contacto (con algn) to keep in touch (with sb)
    3 ( alimentarse):

    mantener verbo transitivo
    1 (conservar) to keep: ella mantiene vivo su recuerdo, she keeps his memory alive
    mantén la calma, keep calm
    2 (sostener) to have: mantuvimos una conversación muy seria, we had a very serious talk
    (una teoría, hipótesis) to defend, maintain
    3 (alimentar, sustentar) to support, feed: no podían mantener las dos casas, they couldn't keep up both houses
    4 (peso) to support, hold up
    ' mantener' also found in these entries:
    - conchabarse
    - conservar
    - conservarse
    - continuismo
    - escribirse
    - ir
    - hilo
    - línea
    - raya
    - sustentar
    - tener
    - tipo
    - ahuyentar
    - alerta
    - calma
    - correspondencia
    - corriente
    - disciplina
    - flote
    - guardar
    - llevar
    - mantiene
    - mantuve
    - orden
    - preservar
    - sujetar
    - bay
    - buoy
    - captive
    - carry on
    - cherish
    - cool
    - fire
    - hold
    - hold off
    - house
    - hygiene
    - image
    - keep
    - keep away
    - keep down
    - keep up
    - maintain
    - order
    - preserve
    - provide for
    - retain
    - secrecy
    - stall
    - support
    - suspense
    - sustain
    - swear
    - track
    - unionist
    - uphold
    - weight-watching
    - white elephant
    - carry
    - clear
    - conduct
    - correspond
    - credit
    - door
    - go
    - head
    - inform
    - occupy
    - peace
    - police
    - provide
    - segregate
    - stand
    - stick
    - struggle
    * * *
    1. [económicamente] to support;
    con su sueldo mantiene a toda la familia he has to support o keep his whole family with his wages
    2. [sostener] to keep;
    un andamio mantiene el edificio en pie a scaffold supports the building o keeps the building from falling down;
    mantén los brazos en alto keep your arms in the air
    3. [conservar] to keep;
    [ritmo, nivel, presión] to keep up;
    mantener las amistades to keep up one's friendships;
    mantener algo en buen estado to keep sth in good condition;
    mantener la calma to stay calm;
    mantener el orden to keep order;
    mantener la línea to keep one's figure;
    mantener una promesa/la palabra to keep a promise/one's word;
    mantenga limpia su ciudad [en letrero] keep your city tidy;
    manténgase en un lugar seco [en etiqueta] keep in a dry place;
    manténgase fuera del alcance de los niños [en medicamento, producto tóxico] keep out of the reach of children;
    es incapaz de mantener la boca cerrada he can't keep his mouth shut
    4. [tener] [conversación] to have;
    [negociaciones, diálogo] to hold;
    mantener correspondencia con alguien to correspond with sb;
    mantener relaciones con alguien to have a relationship with sb;
    mantener contactos con alguien to be in contact with sb
    5. [defender] [convicción, idea] to stick to;
    [candidatura] to refuse to withdraw;
    mantiene su inocencia she maintains that she is innocent;
    mantiene que no la vio he maintains that he didn't see her
    * * *
    1 ( sujetar) hold; techo etc hold up
    2 ( preservar) keep
    4 económicamente support
    5 ( afirmar) maintain
    * * *
    mantener {80} vt
    1) sustentar: to support, to feed
    mantener uno su familia: to support one's family
    2) conservar: to keep, to preserve
    3) continuar: to keep up, to sustain
    mantener una correspondencia: to keep up a correspondence
    4) afirmar: to maintain, to affirm
    * * *
    1. (en general) to keep [pt. & pp. kept]
    2. (económicamente) to support
    3. (afirmar) to maintain
    4. (sujetar) to hold [pt. & pp. held]

    Spanish-English dictionary > mantener

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Upper New York Bay — Upper New York Bay, sometimes called Upper New York Harbor or the Upper Bay, is the northern area of New York Harbor inside The Narrows. It is enclosed by Manhattan, Long Island, mainland New Jersey and Staten Island.It is fed by the waters of… …   Wikipedia

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  • New York Bay —   [ njuːjɔːk beɪ], der Mündungstrichter des Hudson River, USA. Zwischen der Stadt New York und dem Bundesstaat New Jersey erweitert sich der Hudson River zur buchtenreichen oberen New York Bay (Upper New York Bay); hier befinden sich die zum… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • New York Bay — inlet of the Atlantic, south of Manhattan, divided by the Narrows into a N section (Upper New York Bay) & a S section (Lower New York Bay) …   English World dictionary

  • New York Bay — geographical name inlet of the Atlantic SE New York & NE New Jersey at mouth of Hudson River forming harbor of metropolitan New York & consisting of Upper New York Bay & Lower New York Bay connected by the Narrows (strait separating Staten Island …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Lower New York Bay — Carte de la Lower New York Bay (en 2). Géographie humaine Pays côtier(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lower New York Bay — is the section of New York Bay outside of The Narrows that flows directly into the Atlantic Ocean via Hudson Canyon, an underwater channel that flows southeast from Lower New York Bay for hundreds of miles into the Atlantic Ocean.Roughly… …   Wikipedia

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  • New York City Department of Environmental Protection — Agency overview Jurisdiction New York City Headquarters 59 17 Junction Boulevard Flushing, New York …   Wikipedia

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